AYE, ELVIS (February at a Play, a Pie and a Pint at Oran Mor and August 2018 at Gilded Balloon as part of the Edinburgh Fringe Festival)
SMITE (April / May at the Jermyn Street Theatre)
THE BUKE OF THE HOWLAT (September as part of Findhorn Bay Arts Festival)
Rehearsed readings:
THE STOOR (as part of Mayfest with Aberdeen Performing Arts and Aberdeen City Council)
THE WATER CLAN (presented in Wellington, New Zealand by BATS Theatre, Toi Poneke and Playmarket)
Developments include:
THE EDGE (Magentic North)
MEMORIAL (with Sarah Rose Graber, Beverley Hood and Tom Flint hosted by The Museum of Loss and Renewal at Collemachia, Italy).
FOLK (with Annie Grace, Alan McHugh and Dougie Irvine)
HEROINES (with AJ Taudevin and Belle Jones, supported by Stellar Quines)
TOMORROW AT NOON award for female playwrights (Jermyn Street Theatre)
SCOTLAND-NEW ZEALAND PLAYWRITING EXCHANGE (three months as playwright-in-residence with BATS Theatre supported by Toi Poneke Arts Centre, Playmarket, Playwrights' Studio, Scotland, Magnetic north and funded by Creative Scotland and Creative New Zealand).
Folkify gigs include:
21st March at the Gilded Balloon (Rose Basement Theatre, Edinburgh)
6th April at Pie and Brew (Glasgow)
7th November at Tron Theatre (Glasgow)
Morna returned to CETLIC THE MUSICAL for a month long run at The Pavilion in Glasgow. Meanwhile, her play THE BUKE OF THE HOWLAT premiered as part of Findhorn Bay Art's Festival.
Following a 'Muriel Spark 100' award, Morna spent a fortnight in Rome following in Spark's footsteps.
Development commenced for MEmorial with Sarah Rose Graber, Beverely Hood and Tom Flint with a residency at the Museum of Loss and Renewal in Collemacchia, Italy.
Development continued for FOLK with a fortnight long residency in the Highlands.
FOLKIFY also returned to The Tron with special guest Annie Grace,
Morna was delighted to become playwright-in-residence with BATS Theatre, Toi Poneke Arts Centre and Playmarket New Zealand as part of an ongoing creative exchange between Creative New Zealand / Creative Scotland. As part of this three month residency, Morna lived and worked in Wellington. She also took part in Magnetic North's first 'Rough Mix' residency in Auckland.
Back in Scotland, AYE, ELVIS took to the fringe in a Gilded Balloon production.
AYE, ELVIS premiered at 'a Play, a Pie and a Pint' in February.
A work-in-progress performance of FOLK (with Dougie Irvine, Annie Grace and Alan McHugh) took place as part of Aberdeen's Granite Noir festival.
Development continued on HEROINES with Julia Taudevin and Belle Jones (supported by Stellar Quines) and THE EDGE with Magnetic North.
A rehearsed reading of Morna's fellowship play THE STOOR took place as part of Aberdeen's Mayfest, presented by Creative Learning, Aberdeen and Aberdeen Arts Centre.